Why would clergy put a large group photo on the side of public buses? This is part of our larger effort, to work toward justice and equality in our state. Ninety-eight religious leaders have signed the Declaration of Religious Support for Same-Gender Marriage. As religious people, we strongly believe that same-gender couples deserve the same rights as opposite gender couples. The ninety-eight signers are from different denominations including: American Baptist, Episcopal, Friends, Jewish, Methodist, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, and Unitarian Universalist. As people of faith, we are taking public action in support of the right and freedom of marriage in Rhode Island. We want to counter the common misconception that all religions oppose homosexuality and same gender marriage.

We are calling on state officials to recognize that freedom of religion and civil rights are core values upon which our state was founded. The Declaration states, “As leaders in faith communities we know there is a diversity of religious voices and interpretation of historical texts on many matters including sexuality, sexual expression and relationships. We affirm the right of freedom of conscience and differing perspectives of religious traditions in the matter of same-gender marriage. But, with the many diverse, nuanced and multilayered interpretations and teaching of sacred texts we firmly believe it is improper for the state, and those who hold civic public office, to impose on society any theological position. We call upon the state officials to remember that Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams as a community open to religious diversity. We assert it is the state’s responsibility to remain theologically neutral when in discussion about defining civil rights, relationships and responsibilities.”
Since 1970, the Unitarian Universalist Association has performed services of union for same sex couples. As a minister, I approach gay and lesbian couples with the same joy and respect as heterosexual couples. During premarital counseling, I ask all couples how they met, why they love their partner, and what led to their decision to vow a lifetime of commitment. Couples, whether of the same or opposite gender, speak of their joy in finding a person with whom to share their lives and how being in a committed relationship strengthens them in facing the joys and trials of life.
My prayer is that Rhode Island will offer the privileges and protections of marriage to all residents of our State. Despite the intolerance expressed by many, a marriage is not limited by gender, for truly it is a holy covenant between two people who vow to love and care for one another. It is my solemn prayer that this injustice will be rectified.
My prayer is that Rhode Island will offer the privileges and protections of marriage to all residents of our State. Despite the intolerance expressed by many, a marriage is not limited by gender, for truly it is a holy covenant between two people who vow to love and care for one another. It is my solemn prayer that this injustice will be rectified.
Read more on the Unitarian Universalists Association's support of Equal Rights for Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender People.
You can learn more about Channing Church at http://www.channingchurch.org/
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